About Mosscare St Vincent’s
Mosscare St Vincent’s Housing Group (MSV) own and manage almost 9,000 homes in Greater Manchester, Lancashire and West Yorkshire. Our growth aspirations are to respond to the housing crisis in the North West, by assisting the millennial generation locked out of decent homes, the elderly, those on low incomes, those in need of specialist housing, first-time buyers, and people who are ‘rightsizing’.
We pride ourselves on being a housing provider that has retained our original values and mission and we continue to deliver a range of housing solutions to the most overlooked and under-served in society. Our corporate strategy ‘The MSV Way’ commits to investing in People, Planet and Place with capacity for over 1,000 new sustainable homes over the next few years that people can afford, a sustainability plan to play our part in reducing the impact of climate change and investing in communities and neighbourhoods.
Our focus on specialist housing enables us to provide a safe and secure home for many marginalised people; for example, our two Foyers for young people in Manchester and Blackburn, our sheltered schemes and HAPPi schemes designed specifically for older people, schemes for care leavers and those with a learning disability, and specialist housing for homeless and rough sleepers. This is in addition to the modern sought-after properties we build for families and single people.
We will always:
- Value and encourage ‘being kind’
- Be a ‘go to’ organisation, providing affordable homes for people
- Help people with work and life opportunities
- Nurture partnerships
- Genuinely focus on people – we do the decent thing with a personal touch
- Offer a broad range of homes and support, including specialist homes for a diverse customer-base
- Embrace equality and inclusion
- Continue to be a local anchor organisation with a national reputation