GMHP partners increase new home delivery, completing almost 2400 new homes in 2021/22
Greater Manchester Housing Providers have significantly increased their delivery of much-needed new homes across the city region, with the latest figures published showing 2362 new-build homes were completed by GHMP partners during the financial year to March 2022 – an increase of 55% on last year, and a significant contribution to tackling the housing crisis in the region.
Across the GMHP partners, a further 1947 new homes started on site in 2021/22, representing an investment of over £330m into high-quality new housing in Greater Manchester. Planning consent was also secured for 1177 new properties during the same period.
Almost 60% of the new homes completed in 2021/22 were for social and affordable rent, with investment also being made in developing new homes for people with support needs and homes for low-cost home ownership, such as shared ownership.
‘Vital partners’
Cllr Andrew Western, GMCA Lead for Place-Based Regeneration, said: “This is a really positive announcement from GMHP, and it represents an important contribution to addressing the serious crisis of housing and affordability that we face in Greater Manchester.
“The scale and urgency of that crisis is only growing, but the answer has long been clear: delivering more homes in the right places. Under our Places for Everyone plan we set out a long-term vision for building good quality, affordable, net zero homes of a variety of types and tenures, linked to good jobs by an integrated, sustainable transport network.
“GMHP are vital partners in delivering on that vision, and we will continue to work with them and housing providers across the city-region to tackle this crisis and build the homes that our residents need.”
‘Commitment and hard work’
Matthew Harrison, Chief Executive of Great Places Housing Group and GMHP lead for growth and development said:
“It’s been another challenging year for development teams across the GMHP partnership, with ongoing difficulties relating to the pandemic coupled with rising inflation and supply chain issues.
“Given that context, it’s testament to the commitment and hard work of our members that GMHP has continued to deliver significant volumes of high-quality new homes that meet the needs of people across Greater Manchester, doubling the number of new home completions compared to last year.”
“The housing crisis is acute in Greater Manchester – there simply aren’t enough of the right type of decent, affordable homes in the right places. But as a partnership, GMHP is rightly proud of our collective impact, delivering approximately one third of all new homes developed in the city region annually, and increasing housing choice in communities across Greater Manchester.
“And as well as providing new housing throughout Greater Manchester, our significant investment in new homes also creates employment, training and apprenticeship opportunities for local people. This ‘added value’ that contributes to the economic wellbeing of Greater Manchester is at the heart of what GMHP is about.”

This is a really positive announcement from GMHP, and it represents an important contribution to addressing the serious crisis of housing and affordability that we face in Greater Manchester