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Helping people facing multiple complex challenges get back on track

Motiv8 supports people aged over 25 who are facing multiple, complex needs, helping them to overcome these challenges and move closer to training and employment.

Funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and the European Social Fund, and led by Manchester Athena and GMHP members, Motiv8 provides a range of life-changing support for people experiencing issues with mental and physical health, alcohol, drugs, domestic violence, debt, homelessness and other challenges. The project ran from January 2017 – March 2023, supporting 6000 people in Greater Manchester along the way, and helping over 2000 into training or employment.

The project also focused on helping people under-represented in the labour market, such as ex-offenders, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups, ethnic minorities, migrant communities and the over 50s .Alongside GMHP members, the project was also delivered in partnership with external agencies that provide specialist support, including Shelter and the Wai Yin Society.

Everyone accessing Motiv8 worked with a dedicated key worker to develop a bespoke support plan that focused on overcoming each individual’s challenges, helping them build the confidence, self-esteem, health and wellbeing and employability skills they need to move towards work and training.

Motiv8 in numbers


ESF and Big Lottery funding secured to set up Motiv8


people supported through Motiv8 since Jan 2017


people supported into training and employment


positive health, skills, financial or developmental outcomes

I’d been struggling with depression for over nine years and felt closed off from the world but since joining Motiv8 it’s been a whirlwind. I’ve received lots of help and the great news is that I’ve now got a job! I feel normal – that’s all I wanted. I used to Google ‘happiness’, but now I feel it.