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Charlie Norman, Chair

Chief Executive, Mosscare St Vincent's

Charlie has worked in the housing sector for over 30 years, both across the North West and in Vancouver, Canada, with a background in community and co-operative development, neighbourhood management and regeneration.

Charlie is honoured to be CEO of MSV, having worked for the business for almost 20 years and committed to providing the best service possible for residents. As well as chairing GMHP, Charlie is also Vice Chair of the Northern Housing Consortium and a trustee of Mustard Tree Charity.

Working with a wide range of colleagues, customers, community and voluntary sector friends and partners, Charlie is a passionate campaigner for social justice and tackling inequality, hoping for inclusion, good health and opportunity for this and future generations.

Charlie is also a firm believer in building a great work environment where people can flourish with a focus on flexibility, agility and creativity. Charlie has an MBA, is a committed vegan and loves a good hike in the hills

Find out more about Mosscare St Vincent's

Noel Sharpe, Vice-Chair

Chief Executive, Bolton at Home

Noel has worked in social housing at an executive level for over 20 years, with experience spanning general needs and supported housing management, property asset maintenance and investment, regeneration, community engagement, and new homes development.

Since becoming Group Chief Executive of Bolton at Home in January 2023, Noel has remained committed to delivering good quality, affordable homes while ensuring communities thrive.

Noel has a keen interest in health and well-being, as well as financial inclusion, and how these factors directly impact the lives of customers and help support communities. In addition to her role as Vice-Chair of GMHP, Noel also chairs GMHP’s Healthy Homes Group, driving forward initiatives that improve housing’s role in public health creation and promotion.

Noel holds various board positions, including on the GM Integrated Care Partnership Board and the GM Population Health Committee. More locally she is a member of the Active, Connected and Prosperous Executive Group, which contributes to the Bolton 2030 Vision. Noel is passionate about collaboration and believes true partnership working is the key to creating places where people want to live, work, and prosper.

Find out more about Bolton at Home