Charlie Norman, Chair
Chief Executive, Mosscare St Vincent's
Charlie has worked in the housing sector for over 30 years, both across the North West and in Vancouver, Canada, with a background in community and co-operative development, neighbourhood management and regeneration.
Charlie is honoured to be CEO of MSV, having worked for the business for almost 20 years and committed to providing the best service possible for residents. As well as chairing GMHP, Charlie is also Vice Chair of the Northern Housing Consortium and a trustee of Mustard Tree Charity.
Working with a wide range of colleagues, customers, community and voluntary sector friends and partners, Charlie is a passionate campaigner for social justice and tackling inequality, hoping for inclusion, good health and opportunity for this and future generations.
Charlie is also a firm believer in building a great work environment where people can flourish with a focus on flexibility, agility and creativity. Charlie has an MBA, is a committed vegan and loves a good hike in the hills
Yvonne Castle, Vice-Chair
Chief Executive, Johnnie Johnson Housing
Yvonne has worked in social housing for many years with significant experience in providing executive leadership for a range of housing associations nationally. Yvonne became Group Chief Executive of Johnnie Johnson Housing back in May 2017, after initially joining the organisation in July 2015.
Yvonne is incredibly passionate about Johnnie Johnson Housing’s focus on independent living, which enables their customers to ‘live longer, live better’ which simply means helping people age well and live more independently for longer in their own homes.
Yvonne is the Chair for the National Housing Federation's Older Persons Housing Group as well as being a Board Member with the Northern Housing Consortium. She was a founding Board Member of ‘Invisible Creations’ – adaptations designed with dignity - an idea that started life in the National Housing Federation’s award-winning innovation programme.
Whilst having an early career as a qualified accountant, Yvonne has specific expertise in the ‘softer’ side of people, change and performance management. Yvonne’s commitment to customers loving where they live and colleagues loving where they work have hugely contributed to the ongoing success of their transformational change programme that focuses on doing best, what matters most for customers. A programme that will continue to evolve as the sector does.