7 October 2020

GMHP supports more than 10,000 residents towards employment

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21 August 2020

GMHP pledge to continue support for residents affected by the coronavirus crisis

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26 June 2020

GMHP is supporting the Homes at the Heart campaign

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8 June 2020

Mayor of Greater Manchester joins housing providers to provide extra support for care leavers


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30 January 2020

GMHP’s social value commitment wins national recognition

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24 January 2020

GMHP holds its first Social Value Conference in Greater Manchester

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29 November 2019

GMHP supports national campaign to #FixTheHousingCrisis

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12 August 2019

GM Homes Partnership voted number one in the north for tackling homelessness

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9 February 2017


Greater Manchester Housing Providers (GMHP) have broadly welcomed the Government’s Housing White Paper and highlighted

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